Earn your Masters online in One Year!
UCSF’s Master of Science in Healthcare Administration and Interprofessional Leadership program (MS-HAIL) is designed with the working professional in mind. We welcome students from a range of clinical and non-clinical professional disciplines. We leverage students’ professional expertise and experience and build upon extant knowledge and experiences in a collaborative, cooperative learning environment.
Learn about a Core Component of our Program

Join us for an upcoming webinar to learn more about the key features of our program and how they align with your career and education goals.
March 14th @ 12pm

UCSF’s Healthcare Administration and Interprofessional Leadership program was designed with the working professional in mind. Review our hybrid/online curriculum overview to understand our program’s focus, design, philosophy, and individual course details.

" The program, although tailored for distant learning, does not feel distant. I developed meaningful relationships with my peers and professors through consistent touch-points and frequent collaborative assignments. The program structure is designed to look and feel like a real-worl healthcare team and less like an abstract, online classroom."
Darren Beatty, MS-HAIL Class of 2021
Chief Operating Officer
Plumas District Hospital, Quincy, CA

If you have reached this site, you likely are interested in advancing your knowledge, skills, and abilities to make a difference in healthcare.
Kathryn Wise, OTD, MHSc (Health Administration), OTR/L
MS-HAIL Program Director and Associate Professor